Problem using Open Webif to stream to PC

Ashley Glover

Vu+ Newbie
Good afternoon and Xmas wishes to you all.
I have a small problem trying to stream from my Vu+ Zero using Open Wedif. I have the latest version of VLC 2.2.1 and am using Firefox. I can change channels from the pc and take screen shoots using the WEBIF application but when I try to stream by clicking on the TV Icon VLC starts but does not show the image. All I get is the police cone with the Santa hat on it. I am connected via the LAN to the VU+ box.
Any assistance would be more than welcome.
Thank you for your reply Yannis. At the moment I can not even do that. For some reason VLC starts up but does not start streaming. There must be something in the set up somewhere that I need to change. I have checked the received itself at it has the plugin for WEBIF wth the setting "no need for password" when streaming. Not sure what other setting needs to be modified.