Problem with Black Hole image

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Vu+ Newbie
Hello everyone

I have Vi+ Solo2 SE receiver. It was working perfect until this morning when I have loaded the new Black Hole 2.1.3 Universal Meoboot. It has crashed my receiver. Now I cannor load abything by USB. The screem remains in black all the time. I have tried several USB devices, all well formated. nothing happens. The USB is sparkling a little bit and stops with no activityy.

I would like to ask someone who has Nfi Converter plugin to convert any of the images from this webpage: to nfi. I would like to try Vu+ Util toll to flash it using modem cable but this util allows only nfi images.

Do you have any other idea for solving my problem? Any software for loading USB images using modem cable? Any bootloader for Vu+ Solo2 SE?

Thanks in advance.
Hello everyone

I have Vi+ Solo2 SE receiver. It was working perfect until this morning when I have loaded the new Black Hole 2.1.3 Universal Meoboot. It has crashed my receiver. Now I cannor load abything by USB. The screem remains in black all the time. I have tried several USB devices, all well formated. nothing happens. The USB is sparkling a little bit and stops with no activityy.

I would like to ask someone who has Nfi Converter plugin to convert any of the images from this webpage: to nfi. I would like to try Vu+ Util toll to flash it using modem cable but this util allows only nfi images.

Do you have any other idea for solving my problem? Any software for loading USB images using modem cable? Any bootloader for Vu+ Solo2 SE?

Thanks in advance.

Have you formatted USB stick first FAT 32
Are you sure you have image for soloSE and not for another box.
Check THIS .
Thank you for your quick answer.

Yes, it is well FAT32 formatted. I have tried with several USB devices. The image indeed is for Solo2 SE (not for SoloSE) from this website: h**p:// but probably I am to late as it does not work.

I think I did a big mistake trying to clean the receiver with cfe 2.0 Bootloader as now I can see that it is for Vu+ Duo only.... Dou you think there is anything to do here?
Thank you for your quick answer.

Yes, it is well FAT32 formatted. I have tried with several USB devices. The image indeed is for Solo2 SE (not for SoloSE) from this website: h**p:// but probably I am to late as it does not work.

I think I did a big mistake trying to clean the receiver with cfe 2.0 Bootloader as now I can see that it is for Vu+ Duo only.... Dou you think there is anything to do here?

Solo2 SE DON'T EXISTS. Exists Solo2 AND SoloSE.
If you have tried to flash Duo CFE (making some folder-rename) you have bricked your box. Only After sale support can help you. Ask your reseller.
I haven't heard of the VU+ Solo 2 SE, but a quick search states that this is another name for the Cloud ibox, which is a clone.
As you are probably aware this forum doesn't support clones, only genuine VU+ receivers.
Can you please confirm if your receiver is a genuine VU+ Solo 2, a VU+ Solo SE, or is it a clone.
If you have a genuine Solo 2 then you should have loaded the Black Hole image from this forum.
I asked them already. They have sent me a booltloader to apply but I cannot run it as it has to be done by telnet and I am not able to make it run. Do you think it will sole the problem or I will be forced to send imy receiver to the manufacturer?
Sorry, I dod not know that this forum does not support clones. Yes, it is a clone from China. Sorry then and Admin, please remove my post.

Thank you for your help.
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