Problem with remote controller


Vu+ Newbie
Hello, I writing from Poland and sorry my english.
I have problem with RC on Solo2 BH 2.0.3.
Every pressed key is multiple and very speedy repeats. So if I press two times Exit, first is recognize on box and second not. Similarly with OK key and each other one.
Pressing arrow on epg list or any list like menu or tv list I notice every pressed key is speedy repeats.
Position on list skip for 2, 3 places on once.
Where I can change speed of repeating on my RC
Any body have similar issue ?
Thx for quickly answer.
RC is clean and brand new (few week). There is not contacts issue. My problem is apply for all keys on RC
Battery ??? - it's possible.
I'll try replace battery afternoon.
Try to:-
consult the manual:By long pressing 'Help' button, you can also access
to On-Screen Manual page.

If there is a re-set button on the RC, try to press,,,this may put the RC @faults!
And please read the rules!