Problem with time.


Vu+ Newbie
Hello, my time i set to UTC in settings, but my time is wrong. Its -1 to my local time.
How can i set it to right? I tried in OpenWebIf, but in Time Zone section i have only UTC, and nothing more.

root@vuzero:~# ls -la /etc/localtime
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 Jan 1 1970 /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC

root@vuzero:~# opkg info timezones-alternative
Package: timezones-alternative
Version: 2008i-r2
Status: install ok installed
Section: base
Architecture: all
Maintainer: Felix Domke <>
MD5Sum: 183211d46d46b64a5d5525b2f8f0f454
Size: 40896
Filename: timezones-alternative_2008i-r2_all.ipk
Source: file://zoneinfo.tar.bz2
Description: timezones-alternative version 2008i-r2 Timezone data, alternative
Installed-Time: 1514125808