problem with vu duo2 install

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Vu+ Newbie
Dear all,

My box stopped working. After reading various posts, I install BH 1.0 with reformatted USB. I then went on to set up the tuner and scanned the channels. I also install the CatEye channel lists on etc folder. Following that I went to do a manual install of the ipk file from the temp folder. I activated the ***** as well.

Following that I inserted my cline in the ccam.cfg.

I was hoping it would work but sadly it did not.

Could anyone please help me?

Much appreciated

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4) Discussions regarding, pedophilia, pornography, piracy (keys, emulators, card sharing,
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Recall also that it is illegal to reproduce your subscription to any Sky decoder IC that
has not paid the royaltes to NDS Group plc.
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