Problema con PIP VU+SOLO2

With a single cable/antenna, only channels of the same band and polarity of the tuner where the antenna is connected.
Since you have a VU+Solo2, the antenna cable has to be connected to the Tuner B, this receiver has a defect, so it will work and will not give problems with time.
Test in free channels to verify 100% operation.
As you only have Astra to 19'2ºEste, it is better to use the simple configuration and not complicarte with the advanced.
Antenna ==> Tuner B (single Astra 19'2ºE),
Tuner A ==> Loop/connected ==> Tuner B.
Con un solo cable/antena, solo canales de la misma banda y polaridad del tuner donde este conectada la antena.
Como tienes un VU+Solo2, el cable de antena se tiene que conectar al Tuner B, este receptor tiene un defecto, asi funcionara y no dara problemas con el tiempo.
Prueba en canales libres para verificar el funcionamiento al 100%.
Como solo tienes Astra a 19'2ºEste, es mejor usar la configuracion sencilla y no complicarte con la avanzada.
Antena ==> Tuner B (sencillo Astra 19'2ºE),
Tuner A ==> Bucle/loop/conectado ==> Tuner B.
