Problems with playing movies


Vu+ Newbie
Often find problems with playing movies on my VU+ solo. Mediaplayer starts playing normally, but after 7-12 minutes plays with breaks (jiters). When I stop (push pause) and start again, it plays normally some minutes or seconds and repeat playing with breaks.

- It does not depend on drivers. I tested diferent versions of driver on different kernels.

- It does not depend on mediaplayer. I testeв built-in and Enhanced (EMC), and Deluxe.

- It does not depend on movie location. Played with the same problem from local (USB) and remote (NAS) source.

- I checked free memory and don't find any problem. No find memory leak.

- I think that right codecs are present. Because some minutes all is OK.

Any suggestions? May be possible to change some parameter in Linux. Or change any library.

As an example of problem movie attached mediainfo.


No problem here with My Book Live Network Storage and Cifs mount
Mounted with NetworkBrowser in Network configuration Panel.
I use movie player and standard Media Player .No addon players.

I use a wire connection to a network drive.

And if
you have problems specially with media files and not with recorded ts files
It is difficult question
because some files and codecs do not work well or not at all.
I am not expert in it because I do not use on VU boxes
But I tested the same (problem) films that located on USB stick. And the problem was at the same point.
happens to me as well on my VU ultimo with the latest image
yesterday i recorded the F1 Monte Carlo GP and this morning watched it but had to stop/restart 3 or 4 times to stop the jitters ... and it is not the first time had it with even older images

infact i thought that my hdd was not working properly!
happens to me as well on my VU ultimo with the latest image
yesterday i recorded the F1 Monte Carlo GP and this morning watched it but had to stop/restart 3 or 4 times to stop the jitters ... and it is not the first time had it with even older images

infact i thought that my hdd was not working properly!

I do not know because I have no HDD in the boxes
I used for all network HDD drive.
If you record and then erase and record,,,,(and keep doing it:chair: ),,,,etc,,,,the HDD will ware out and need replacements!
You need high quality HDD , not WD that made in china!
I recommend : Seagate,Samsung,Toshiba,,,etc!

I asked not about VU records. And I attached file info. Sometimes VUsolo plays perfectly big files (avi and mkv) but sometimes breaks with middle and small size AVI.
its exactly because of this problem that i moved away from BH to BP.

with BP recording and playback are perfect,but with BH the recording jumps when played back.this problem only exists when using network drives and is exactly the same problem that first started with Darkstar 2 and that was never fixed,so dont hold your breath that this will be fixed either.

its a problem in the BH code.

i tested recording from my 7020 and played it back using the VU+ and BH,this played perfectly.


when i recorded from the VU+ and played back on the 7020 it jumped again.

so its the actual recording thats at fault and not the playback,but as i said the only sure way to fix this is to move over to BP.

its exactly because of this problem that i moved away from BH to BP.

with BP recording and playback are perfect,but with BH ...

its a problem in the BH code.

so its the actual recording thats at fault and not the playback,but as i said the only sure way to fix this is to move over to BP.


Thank you. You are right.I tested. And Black Pole image plays without problems files that BH plays with breaks. But BP has another problems. Returned to BH.
i have no problems at all with BP

it took some time to get Project Valerie to work,but i managed it in the end,other than that there are no issues at all.
