Problems with satellites vu+ solo2


Vu+ Newbie
Hi. Currently has blackhole 3.0 in my Vu + solo 2 box. And on my and 2 other boxes I've done channel search and then almost all channels disappear on the hotbird satellite? And sometimes I've got a green screen and when I walk in, the Saterliter is not true since I have a European Dish with 4 lnb and there are suddenly only 2 different satellites to choose from. And then I have to reinstall blackhole again. Someone who has been involved in this problem? Or have some tips on what I'm doing wrong? Excuse me, bad English, hope you understand me. Greetings Kristian
Do you mean that you've tried 3 different receivers, on the same satellite set up, and all 3 have failed, or are you using 3 different receivers, in your property?
If using 3 receivers how are they connected?
It might be an intermittent problem with your Diseqc switch, try switching Hotbird, 13E, to a different connection.
How have you got the tuners set up, on your Solo 2?
No, it's in 3 different houses, but I've helped some people install blackhole on their vu + solo 2 boxes. And we all have the same dish and the same satellite.
Tuner setup is port A thor 3/5 (0.8W)
Port b sirius 4 (4.8E)
Port C Hotbird 6/8/9 (13E
Port D Astra 1H / 1kr / 1L / 1M (19.2E)
And everything has worked before so suddenly when you did channel search, this problem came.
And in my box I do not get any contact via ftp anymore. Used in blackhole but can not be switched on again. Then take and reinstall blackhole any day.
But thought if someone else had been with the same problem or know what it might be wrong.
I suspect it's a problem with your Diseqc switch, some are quite cheap and tend to fail.
I would also check your cables, for signs of damage, your connections, to see if they're loose, and signs of water ingress, which can also cause these problems.
If you can test your receiver, on a friends house, using a similar set up, it will help to eliminate the problem from your receiver.

To check your FTP connection try the Dreambox Control Centre:

When used it should find all connections, on your network, and show your VU+ and its IP address.
It seems that the image has damage, it is corrupt (green screen).
Reinstall the image, configure a satellite and set the receiver to 100%.
Then configure the remaining satellites on the / DiSEqC switch.
As long as you have green screens (crash log), it is foolish to configure the receiver.
Parece que la imagen tiene daños, esta corrupta (pantalla verde).
Reinstala la imagen, configura un satelite y configura el receptor al 100%.
Luego configura el resto de satelites en el conmutador/DiSEqC.
Mientras tengas pantallazos verdes (crash log), es tonteria configurar el receptor.
........And in my box I do not get any contact via ftp anymore
Do not connect via FTP, it's a rare symptom, I saw it in Dreambox800S-HD, the solution, reinstall image.
No conectar por FTP, es un sintoma raro, lo vi en Dreambox800S-HD, la solucion, reinstalar imagen.
Okay thanks. Will check this and hope i find the problem

When you finish the first installation (only one satellite), the one you have in the A/1 mouth of the DiSEqC does not need to configure, when feeding, they usually connect this mouth (check).
Restart GUI, later reboot receiver, in the backup options you have an option to save the configuration of the receiver, run.

Then configure the rest of the satellites.
Restart GUI, later reboot receiver, in the backup options you have an option to save the configuration of the receiver, run.

When saving the configuration, it is saved to memory, but not to files, when restart GUI, the configuration is saved to file.
Using the Backup options and saving the receiver configuration.

I am heavy at this point, we are several friends and we pass configurations, if we do not do these steps, after 1 month of being well configured with its antennas, one morning will start with the configuration of my antennas (for example).

Cuando termines la primera instalacion (solo un satelite), el que tengas en la boca A/1 del DiSEqC no necesita configurar, al dar alimentacion, suelen conectar esta boca (verifica).
Reinicia GUI, mas tarde reinicia receptor, en las opciones de backup tienes una opcion de salvar la configuracion del receptor, ejecuta.

Luego configura el resto de satelites.
Reinicia GUI, mas tarde reinicia receptor, en las opciones de backup tienes una opcion de salvar la configuracion del receptor, ejecuta.

Cuando se salva la configuracion, se salva a memoria, pero no a ficheros, al reiniciar GUI, se salva la configuracion a fichero.
Usando las opciones de Backup y salvando la configuracion del receptor.

Soy pesado en este punto, somos varios amigos y nos pasamos configuraciones, si no hacemos estos pasos, despues de 1 mes de estar bien configurado con sus antenas, una mañana le arranca con la configuracion de mis antenas (por ejemplo).

PS:Always switch the device off with the/never knob using the rear switch/Siempre apaga el equipo con el mando/nunca usando el interrruptor trasero.
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