putty problem


Vu+ Newbie
Good evening
I want upload IPTV through putty and i follow this instructions below:
Add your IP address of your Device.

5. Add Port 23

6. Click on open

7. Your default login and password are root
but the problem password incorrect,
how can reset the password ?
The default login is root, but the default password is left blank.
Unless you're using the latest Open Black Hole, or similar image, which requires you to set a password, on your receiver, before you can use utilities like VUCC, VU+ Control Centre, Filezilla, or other FTP programs, and other dreambox utilities like DreamboxEDIT.
Thanks mick for help
I successfully used talent by chosen password through network in the receiver and I pasted the line and rebooted the device but I can’t see the channels and other options
Do I need plug-in ?
I have never bothered with IPTV but you should see the channels, as if you copied, and pasted, the line, and pressed return it should have downloaded the channels, onto your receiver.
You could try DreamboxEDIT, on your PC, and Fast FTP download the channels, from your receiver, onto your PC.
Vu+ Tools & Settings | VuPlus Community (vuplus-community.net)

Once you've downloaded, and unzipped, DreamboxEDIT, start it up, go to Tools, and Options, then enter your receivers IP Address, and details, then test the connection. If working click Save, and go to File, Fast FTP Download.

You do need to set up a new folder, on your PC desktop, and name it settings, this is the default location, and name, for the folder, which allows you to save your channel list, alter it, and then FTP it back to your receiver.
hi mick
I did all septs as you said then i reboot vu receiver but sitll no iptv channels plus all favorite channels have been removed
Favourites are Bouquets, on an Enigma 2 receiver, and should be listed on the right hand side.

To load an IPTV list you start up PuTTY, enter your receivers IP address in the Host/IP address box, then select the Telnet option, at connection type.
You then click Open, and now enter root, at the line where it gives you your receivers name, in my case vuduo2 login:, press the return key, on your keyboard, and you get the password. This doesn't show up, when typed, but once you press the return you should get, root@vuduo2:~# this is where you paste the line, from your provider, and press enter, on the keyboard.
The list should then be downloaded, into your receiver.

Which VU+ model do you have, and which image are you using?
all steps have been done but nothing in favoriteas shown in picture


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They might not be in favourites, but in your general channel list, and you might have to make new bouquets(favourites), for these channels. Try pressing the red button, to see all channels.
You will have to contact your provider, providing you followed the instructions, regarding PuTTY, and copied, and pasted, the link correctly, it should have loaded.
This is the instructions I followed but doesn’t work

1. This is instruction For Enigma 2/ Linux installation, you need install putty to use it.

Settings > Setup > System Network Device > Setup Adapter > Settings

And get your IP address it starts with 192.168….

2. Go to your windows PC and Download Putty Software.

3. Open Putty

4. Add your IP address of your Device.

5. Add Port 23

6. Click on open

7. Your default login and password are root

8. Copy your line ( you will get it after you order your subscription )

wget -O /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh “your m3u link” && chmod 777 /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh && /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh

9. RIGHT CLICK MOUSE BUTTON after you enter your line press ENTER

10. Type reboot and your device will restart.
You have pasted the correct line, instead of "your m3u link"?

Also, once you select the Telnet option port 23 should automatically be set