Pyload downloader


Vu+ Newbie

is there a way to install Pyload on the 2.0.5 image ?

I try to install the IPK but get the following error messages

root@vusolo:/tmp# ipkg install pyload-v0.4.9-noarch.ipk
Installing pyload (0.4.9) to root...
pyload: unsatisfied recommendation for tesseract-ocr
pyload: unsatisfied recommendation for tesseract-ocr-lang-eng
pyload: unsatisfied recommendation for ossp-js
pyload: unsatisfied recommendation for unrar
Collected errors:
* ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for pyload:
* python25 * py25-crypto * libcurl * py25-curl * py25-openssl * py25-pil *
* Cannot find package pyload.

Thanks in advance !

is there a way to install Pyload on the 2.0.5 image ?

I try to install the IPK but get the following error messages

root@vusolo:/tmp# ipkg install pyload-v0.4.9-noarch.ipk
Installing pyload (0.4.9) to root...
pyload: unsatisfied recommendation for tesseract-ocr
pyload: unsatisfied recommendation for tesseract-ocr-lang-eng
pyload: unsatisfied recommendation for ossp-js
pyload: unsatisfied recommendation for unrar
Collected errors:
* ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for pyload:
* python25 * py25-crypto * libcurl * py25-curl * py25-openssl * py25-pil *
* Cannot find package pyload.

Thanks in advance !

As far as I know, I'm afraid not, and it's complicated to install if you can install.
Maybe there are some lighter downloaders
if I'm not mistaken, I saw somewhere but I have not tested.
AS far as I've view, it seems to work on openPLI but with no webclient, on through the remote UI .... Perhaps I'll give a try to this image !