Q: Opera web browser bookmark


Vu+ User
If I add a bookmark in my favorites in Opera web browser with my RC.
In what file can I find that entry, that I added ????
(I have tried search, google, find, grep and more.. with no sucess)

category_current_idx = 1
bookmark_current_idx = 7

id = 1
name = My favorite

url = http://www2.vuplus.com/
id = 1
parent = 1
title = Vuplus Home
type = 0

url = file:///usr/local/manual/main.html
id = 2
parent = 1
title = User Manual
type = 1
id = 3
title = vuplus-community
url = http://www.vuplus-community.net/board/
parent = 1
type = 0

id = 4
title = Google
url = http://www.google.nl/
parent = 1
type = 0

id = 5
title = novisf
url = http://www.novisf.com/wbb/index.php
parent = 1
type = 0

id = 6
title = vuplus-support
url = http://www.vuplus-support.org/wbb2/index.php
parent = 1
type = 0

id = 7
title = i-had
url = http://www.i-have-a-dreambox.com/wbb2/index.php
parent = 1
type = 0

bookmark.ini with the appropriate editor
number of bookmarks.
In this case, 7

