Q: passive splitter


Vu+ User
Is following possible ??

Today 2p of twin LNB with a diseq on each cable 1 & 2.

cable 1 to Solo2 input A
cable 2 to an old dreambox 7020 rarely used

Is it possible to share cable 2 with a passive splitter
between the old 7020 rarely used
and port B on the Solo2 wich will be seldom used.

Without harm any electronics ???

non problem but u cant use at same time the both STB and u'r loosing something like 3 db
be careful some splitter blocking the PSU for LNB
i use a splitter just in case of test but it's stay in line all the time
bst rgs
non problem but u cant use at same time the both STB and u'r loosing something like 3 db
be careful some splitter blocking the PSU for LNB
i use a splitter just in case of test but it's stay in line all the time
bst rgs

So, it's more safe not to use it.
yes it's safe no injury for lnb and other, just look at u'r splitter if Volt can go up

If it's DC pass through and you turn both receivers on, one with 13V to LNB, other one 18V, you can damage internal electronics of your boxes.
The best is 2 Quattro LNB and multiswitch. For example multiswitch 9-5. That means 2 quattro LNB inputs, 1 DVB-T input and 5 totaly independent outputs for DVB-S/T receivers from multiswitch.
my bad,
sorry I meant quattro...

no, you are right - quad is good selection to work with diseqc switches.
Quattro works with multiswitches only.
Your configuration is cheaper option compare to that posted by @paolino. And less complicated. That's my opinion.
However @paolino option has one positive side of it - you can have terrestrial signal running down to your box.
If it's DC pass through and you turn both receivers on, one with 13V to LNB, other one 18V, you can damage internal electronics of your boxes.
no problem i doo this ,13V and 18V = 18V and no 31V because GND is same just one STB give up ;)
I didn't mean 13V + 18V. You will have 13 and 18 in parallel connection (basic electronics, see Ohm law R=U/I and P=U*I). Current I depends on resistance R inside of splitter (some T splitters doesn't have any R inside - direct connections). Delta U is 5V.
The best is 2 Quattro LNB and multiswitch. For example multiswitch 9-5. That means 2 quattro LNB inputs, 1 DVB-T input and 5 totaly independent outputs for DVB-S/T receivers from multiswitch.

Or two Quads with three (or max four) Diseqc like darian23 wrote. So it means for you to buy two Quads and one Diseqc (two you already have).