Question about Diseqc switch and multi satelite support.


Vu+ Newbie
I have two satellite dishes one is only for 30w and the other is for 12E 19.2E and 23.5E with multi lnb support
and all the cables from the lnbs go to a diseqc 4x1 switch since the switch has only one exit port only one of my 2 vu + zero box has all the satelites the other has only 1 coming directly from a 4 exit lnb that i had lying around so there is a way to have all the satellites in the 2 boxes ?
A diseqc 4x3 would ideal because i thinking of buying a vu + solo se for the living room and leave the the vu + zeros in the bedrooms but i been search the web and i cant find a diseqc 4x3 .
And also another thing could i put a splitter on the exit of the diseqc or that could result in problems ?
thank you
it would be better if you changed your 3 LNB's to twin, or quad, and run cables to new Diseqc switches, which could then be fed to your various receivers.
it would be better if you changed your 3 LNB's to twin, or quad, and run cables to new Diseqc switches, which could then be fed to your various receivers.
Or i could use a multiswitch but they are expensive and they need power to work there isnt other way than changing the lnbs
a splitter at the exit port of the diseqc 4x1 is not possible ?
The only other method is to use a quattro LNB's system, vertical high, Vertical Low, Horizontal high, Horizontal Low, into a distributer then you can distibute the signals to anywhere in the house, but still the easiest, and probably cheapest, is quad LNB's and a few Diseqc switches, that will allow you 4 receivers capable of receiving all satellites, or use 2 feeds, to one receiver, with dual LNB tuners, like VU+ Duo 2, so that you can record/view channels at the same time.