Questions about updating

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Vu+ Newbie

very noob question.... I have bh 3.0.3q and it's working nice. Installed a couple of weeks ago, so I have never updated manually.
Which one is the best way to update to 3.0.4 without losing all my installed ipks and its configs (*******, cams...)??? I have my bouquets & picosn in Dreamboxedit, so this is not a problem, I'm just worried about plugins.

So, what is recommended is to do a fresh install every major update.
There is no single option about plugin backup? . I am just considering avoiding all that job again (reinstall, copy config files through ftp...) and staying at 3.0.3q

Thx again
You only need a freesh installation when there is a major firmware upgrade, from 3.02, to 3.03, to 3.04, and only then if you need the updates.
When it's from 3.0.3A, to 3.0.3B, etc, you just do an online update.
I moved from Blackhole, to Open Blackhole, as I tend to use Kodi more, at the moment, and Open Blackhole has the latest v17.4.

very noob question.... I have bh 3.0.3q and it's working nice. Installed a couple of weeks ago, so I have never updated manually.
Which one is the best way to update to 3.0.4 without losing all my installed ipks and its configs (*******, cams...)??? I have my bouquets & picosn in Dreamboxedit, so this is not a problem, I'm just worried about plugins.


*** WARNING ***

@Mick12334 has warned you for reading our rules -->, but unfortunately it seems you haven´t read them.

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