Questions regarding VU+ SOLO2


Vu+ Newbie
I'm a total newbie, and I've got a few questions to ask regarding the solo2

1 - Am I able to watch more than one channel at a time using split screen?

2 - Can I connect two or more satellite dishes without the use of a switch?

3 - Do I have to connect a hard drive to the machine for it to function?

4 - Am I able to access XBMC for example?

5 - Does it allow me to watch paid channels (SKY for example) for free? (without the use of XBMC)

I apologise in regards to the last question. I'm not sure if I am able to ask such a question.

1.You can use picture in picture (pip)
2.2 tuners.I have motorised on one and fixed 28 degrees dish on the other
3.You can fit a HDD internally or have one externally but it still works without one
4.XBMC is in the latest Blackhole image and is great
5.Read forum rules
thank you very much. my bad regarding the last question.

if in the worst case scenario and I accidently get delivered a clone. does the software such as blackhole work with it? or is that impossible?