ram usage issue


Vu+ Newbie

i've noticed that ram usage jumps from 10-20% after a reboot to 93-95% in a few minutes...

i'm running (had same problem under 2.0.8/9) default plugins + bitrateviewer, internal sata hd and nothing more.

could be the stream over a pc by lan?
tbh i cannot really understand whats happening.

@fatalizer : RAM in Linux-enigma2 is for to be used. Not to be free. There is a lot written on forum about Linux RAM usage.
Don't worry, your RAM usage is OK ;).
well... ok ram its not 100% and dnt need to swap but when i get as much usage i've blackscreens for 10secs (on tv) every time i change stream channel on pc
these are details...
i still don't undersand, 13% enigma2 and all other memory where is? this check was done with decoder on standby with no ip stream or anything else
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Cached memory 416.692 kB. Linux keep cache data until next request for other cache use. When the last saved data are not necessary, RAM will be used for new data.