

Vu+ User
I have just re-flashed back to BH215 (was trying out OBH??) No problems flashing and setting up, I always use me own tuner settings via DS & DCC. Satellites programed from 28.2°E to 30.0°W.
On SES @ 22.0°W Reuters has a channel. For what ever reason the name Reuters will not show. All I see is "11128H SID 0x01" (the frequency).
I have tried renaming 11128... to Reuters... via DS, this works for about 5/10 minutes then reverts to "111128H SID 0x01"
I have tried renaming several times but it always reverts back.
Has anyone else had this problem, and does anyone know how to permanently rename to "Reuters Live"?
You could try DreamboxEdit, but I can't understand why it seems to work, after you've re-named it, the reverts back to 11128H SID 0x01, unless it's being re-scanned in, or reverting back to the old channel list.
Do you have this channel in a favourites folder?
You are re-naming it in all it's loations, before sending your channel list back to the receiver?
I am using DreamSet 2.39. Always worked before. I do have in Favs but it also reverts back to 111128... I have checked all entries are now reprogrammed to Reuters... again. I have uploaded again and hard reset. Waiting...
I was wondering if Reuters updates the name periodically? I have noticed that channel names do change on some frequencies this must be transmitted by the uplink station.
Just checked Reuters, It has changed back to 111128...? less than 5 minutes.
I can only assume it require Reuters to transmit an ID code to rename it to Reuters?
You could try deleting the channel, then manually scanning it in again, but not use any of the auto settings. There should be a way of not allowing the channel to be constantly updated.
If not you might just have to live with teh name. at least you can still view the channel.
Strange, I have got Reuters to stay as the name but also have got 11128H...
Run Dreamset checked 22W Reuters name shows but not 11128H...?
Fav's shows as Reuters.
Had enough tonight, going to bed. Tomorrow's another day!
Thanks for the comments.