Recorded Movies


Vu+ Newbie
Hi Guys/Gals

I have decided to bite the bullet and buy a Uno box reading all the good reports on them
but i have a hard drive full of recorded movies which are from ex spi***box, and i beleive
they are in a *trp file format ?, would my Uno see them and play, or is there something
i have to do to play them on would be a great shame to loose them...

Thanks in Advance huey45
Hi there,

I've never tried to play in my VU+ nothing besides TS file format.
You can try to find an trp to ts coverter. Google is your friend.

Hi Guys/Gals

I have decided to bite the bullet and buy a Uno box reading all the good reports on them
but i have a hard drive full of recorded movies which are from ex spi***box, and i beleive
they are in a *trp file format ?, would my Uno see them and play, or is there something
i have to do to play them on would be a great shame to loose them...

Thanks in Advance huey45

What is the type or file format of your registrations? There is a * in top of "trp" ...