Recording bug.


Vu+ Newbie
Hello everybody.
I am the owner of a Duo2.
I installed OBH last January and I update regularly.
I have set up recordings of the football matches of the WC. Always I set a a recording of 2 hours but then the actual recording is much less (it varied from 40 to 75 minutes). It happened too many times to be a mistake of mine when setting up the recording.
Sorry: is this the first time you used timers? Only for the WC? Do some simple try with other events, too.
After you create a timer, edit it to check if everything is like you wanted.
Hello everybody.
I am the owner of a Duo2.
I installed OBH last January and I update regularly.
I have set up recordings of the football matches of the WC. Always I set a a recording of 2 hours but then the actual recording is much less (it varied from 40 to 75 minutes). It happened too many times to be a mistake of mine when setting up the recording.

How did you format the hard drive? Which format ?
If you are using Fat / Fat32 format your file size is limited.
How hdd is connected ?? (your USB HDD / Stick ??)

And this is Black hole part of the forum not Open Black Hole part.
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It is a USB stick.

root@vuduo2:~# blkid /dev/sda1
/dev/sda1: UUID="6886-8F66" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="0002eb24-01"

Sorry, I was not careful about the forum where I posted. Is it possible to move this thread in the OBH General forum? I posted two additional thread last Friday, that should be moved too.
vfat is not the right partition type. And a USB stick (connected by a usb2 port, because Duo2 has not the Usb3 ones) is not the same than an internal HDD (connected by SATA).
Anyway, as Matrix implied, format it as Ext4.
Just to give a late feedback.
Of course the file system format was the problem.
I thought it was a good idea to format as FAT because I could simply extract the USB key (when my VU+ is turned off, of course) and then insert it in my PC . However I did not care that FAT has a 2GB file size limit. After reformatting as ext3, the problem disappeared. Many late thanks.