Recording Modes on blackhole image


Vu+ Newbie

i got a vu+ uno4k with last BH image.
i have a question, i see here
differents recording mode.

1) normal - where it descrambles as it records and doesn't save the ECM data
2) descramble and record ECM - where it descrambles and saves the ECM data
3) don't descramble and record ECM - where is simply records the raw data and it descrambled at the point of playback

config.recording.ecm_data = ConfigSelection(default = "normal", choices = [
("normal", _("normal")),
("descrambled+ecm", _("descramble and record ecm")),
("scrambled+ecm", _("don't descramble, record ecm")) ] )


i don't see this mode on backhole image, it's possible to active them ?

It's possible to put the on BH image (/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ to have modes on menu ?

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4) Discussions regarding, pedophilia, pornography, piracy (keys, emulators, card sharing,
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There are not only Sky and pay TVs. There are also legal systems like Tivusat or SRF-RSI, that are allowed to be used with every decoders with their cam+card modules.
And, besides that, we are talking about a function of BH and OBH images. If it's illegal (and it's not for what I said) why should it be there?
Answering to Jah85, the options are available enabling the level exper under Setup/System/Customising.
As I said: MENU / Setup / System / Customise
There you can have one of these three situation in the screenshot.
Enabling Expert you'll find the options you want at the bottom of the list.


  • Simple.jpg
    397.1 KB · Views: 13
  • Intermediate.jpg
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  • expert.jpg
    386.9 KB · Views: 14
Okay i got same thing in expert mode but i havent this 3 options recording mode with BH

1) normal - where it descrambles as it records and doesn't save the ECM data
2) descramble and record ECM - where it descrambles and saves the ECM data
3) don't descramble and record ECM - where is simply records the raw data and it descrambled at thepoint of playback
Of course: the implementation of what you read in the image is made by those 2 options that lead to 4 combinations (2^2). Synthetically:
NO ECM - not decrypted
NO ECM - Decrypted
ECM - not Decrypted
ECM - Decrypted