recording problem


Vu+ Newbie

im writing on this forum because i have a weird problem which started just a few days ago and i have no idea what'g going on.
I have VU+ Ultimo with 2x DVB-C tuners. When i start a recording of one FTA channel and then i want to watch a CAS channel, the screen is just black. If i do it backwards ;first start recording of CAS channel, then watch FTA channel; all works fine (even the CAS channel is recorded correctly)
ps: FTA = free to air, CAS = encrypted (decoding card needed)
I had an old blackhole image (2.0.8) so i decided its time to upgrade, so i got 3.0.1 now .. but the problem remains the same.

any ideas please?

im writing on this forum because i have a weird problem which started just a few days ago and i have no idea what'g going on.
I have VU+ Ultimo with 2x DVB-C tuners. When i start a recording of one FTA channel and then i want to watch a CAS channel, the screen is just black. If i do it backwards ;first start recording of CAS channel, then watch FTA channel; all works fine (even the CAS channel is recorded correctly)
ps: FTA = free to air, CAS = encrypted (decoding card needed)
I had an old blackhole image (2.0.8) so i decided its time to upgrade, so i got 3.0.1 now .. but the problem remains the same.

any ideas please?

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one more thing i found out:
when i zap to a CAS channel, then start recording FTA channel (via timer), the CAS channel works fine UNTIL i zap to anything else
when i zap back to the CAS channel, screen is black again :(

no ideas?
could this be BH image problem? could it be provider problem? CA modul problem for decoding CAS channels? VU+ problem? please help
one more thing i found out:
when i zap to a CAS channel, then start recording FTA channel (via timer), the CAS channel works fine UNTIL i zap to anything else
when i zap back to the CAS channel, screen is black again :(

no ideas?
could this be BH image problem? could it be provider problem? CA modul problem for decoding CAS channels? VU+ problem? please help
I've seen strange issues with I use CI modules and them can lock out tuners. We can do nothing for that :(
thanks for the reply and sorry for no response from me for so long
i have been trying to figgure this out:
- talking with my provider (they claim they didnt change anything),
- opening bug report on vuplus com (no response there),
- i installed my tuners in recommended way like the manual says (dvbs, dvbc, dvbc in this order; im not using the dvbs one, so it is set as "not configured")
- testing alot of other versions of blackhole as well as different images .. but in the end, i was not able to fix this :(

but i did notice some weird things that id like to mention:
when i press 2x OK i get additional infobar where u can also see conditional access stuff
lets say im zapped to FTA channel, then i zap to other FTA channel, i see that for a brief second, the conditional access says CO (conax i guess) and then its corrected to FTA
but not all FTA channels behave like this, some dont have the CO glitch when zapping to them; and these channels are fine when i start recording them, i can also zap to CAS channel and it works fine to me, this looks like exactly the opposite of what u were saying, maybe the the CA modul is somehow locked and not the tuner

i also looked into lamedb file, and in there i saw that the channels that have this glitch, also have C:0b00 setting (which i usually see with CAS channels)
it looks like my cam id value
if i manually remove this, upload the lamedb via DreamSet i can zap to the "bad" channel and there is no CO glitch, BUT only the first time, 2nd time when i zap, glitch is there again
after i reboot the box, my changes are gone

does this info ring any bells for you? please i really want to fix this, something must have changed, because it was working before

btw, what is updated when u flash the box with new image? i saw fpga update, firmware update etc in settings somewhere .. is all that updated during the flash update?
i mean, what if i accidently upgraded lets say the FPGA, is that downgraded again when i install an older image again?

thanks, hopefully we will figgure this out