Red Record Button


Vu+ Newbie
I wonder if anyone can help ? I have a VU Solo 2 with the latest black hole image installed. I have an internal 1TB hard drive which is mounted. I can start recordings via the timer option on the epg. When I do a short press of the red button no record starts. I cam however start a recording by using the help button and selecting instant record. Is this normal ? I have just upgraded from a Solo to Solo 2 and used to use the red button for instant record.
@Geoff : Red button left to Green is for HbbTv.
Red dot button (right to TV button) works for me without any problems. Maybe your RCU has problems or you remapped RCU buttons with some plugin.
Thanks very much. I must be having a senior moment ! I have been pressing the wrong red button.
Once again many thanks..............Geoff