Remote access

Berit A

Vu+ Newbie
I have tried to search this forum for help to set up remote access to my VU+ duo 2, but have not found what I'm looking for. I've had my decoder for almost a year, but have not managed to do the setup to access the box from outside my network. I have BH 2.1.4, can run Open Webif and the two apps for iPhone on my local network. I have configured my router to open on port 8002, but think I must change some settings in the Webif modul meny, and also set a username and password for Webif, not use "root" that is preset. However, I have not managed to find out how to do that. I also think I have to have a DNS that doesn't change, since my internet supplier probably changes my IP every 2.nd week or so. I think I can get that from Any other suggestions?
I would really appreciate if somebody could help me with how to gain remote access, so I can watch TV and manage recordings when I'm travelling.
Thanks in advance
it seems to me that you know what to do.make the account for the stable external ip and since you already have opened the 8002 then you can use transcoding .
make sure your port 8002 is active at canyouseeme
Hi. Thanks for your reply. I also thought I have to set a username and new password for Open Webif, and I don't know how to do that. If I don't, and someone searches for my IP, it's too easy to get access to my VU+. Is DYNdns the best place to get the stable IP?
i use noip its free,the only think that bothers me is that i have to confirm my account every month. i never used dyndns.
You could download in the feeds setpassword plugin.

or you can do it by telnet session to your box, using DCC
loginname: root
passwd: empty is default

the command is passwd and the you can change the password. it ask for confirmation a second aware that when you type the password you can not see the letters you are typing.
Fill in your password and then login again