Remote Freeze

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Vu+ Newbie

Does any know what to do when the box freezes when using the remote. This is a little odd but sometimes when using the remote, pretty much doing anything, the box freezes. The channel I'm watching keeps working but what ever GUI screen I bring up using the remote stays, the remote won't work and I've to reboot to get it to work again. BH Hyperspace V 2.05.


Does any know what to do when the box freezes when using the remote. This is a little odd but sometimes when using the remote, pretty much doing anything, the box freezes. The channel I'm watching keeps working but what ever GUI screen I bring up using the remote stays, the remote won't work and I've to reboot to get it to work again. BH Hyperspace V 2.05.


You don't specify what box do you use but check RC batteries and also if there are IR interferences near your box
Sorry angelofsky1980, thought as I was in Duo2 Black Hole Image that was a cert. Anyway it is a Vu+ Duo2 box, now just 3 days old and brand new batteries. The IR interference might be it as I've got a system in place that allows me to control the box from any room, would that be what your thinking is, that the IR emitter is somehow bouncing the signal?
Sorry angelofsky1980, thought as I was in Duo2 Black Hole Image that was a cert. Anyway it is a Vu+ Duo2 box, now just 3 days old and brand new batteries. The IR interference might be it as I've got a system in place that allows me to control the box from any room, would that be what your thinking is, that the IR emitter is somehow bouncing the signal?

I suggest to use the box without the IR amplifier or similar one to determine if it's the problem
Solved, I was using backup BH image which is not good idea. I installed official BH 2.0.6 and installed ******, plugins and addons separately and all problems solved.



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