Remote ftp access

nick antony

Vu+ Newbie
Hi all!
I am trying to access my vusolo2 ftp through wan from remote. I have port forwareded port 54100 to the 21 port of my vusolo2, but i get an error from filezzila client while trying to access:

Response:220 Welcome to the vuplus FTP service!
Command:USER root
Response:331 Please specify the password.
Command:PASS ********
Response:230 Login successful.
Command:OPTS UTF8 ON
Response:200 Always in UTF8 mode.
Status:Retrieving directory listing...
Response:257 "/"
Command:TYPE I
Response:200 Switching to Binary mode.
Response:227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,10,10,194,171).
Status:Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead.
Error:Connection timed out

Is there any other port to forward??

Thank you!
I forgot to mention that my router/firewall is pfsense, so maybe i should refer to pfsense forum support for this issue than in here.
If the post is useless you can close/delete it.

Thank you anyway.
It looks like a classic ftp problem,and not something special for vu+. Google for active / passive ftp. Might need to forward a data port, or change mode afair.
It looks like a classic ftp problem,and not something special for vu+. Google for active / passive ftp. Might need to forward a data port, or change mode afair.
Hi and thank you for the reply. I have done a search and found out that maybe have to open more ports to make it work. I will try and see how it goes.
The strange thing is that on another normal router with only port 21 forwarded a dreambox i have connects correctly through ftp. Can't understand why in that case i need more ports. Anyway NOTHING to do with VU. Thank you.