Request resetting vu solo 2


Vu+ Newbie
please can somebody help me please.
my box crashed when i was using ts media..
i switched the box off at the back to restart it and now it wont load up.
it starts to boot up with blackhole then goes to openvix but wont go past this..vix jus keeps spinning in the top left hand corner..
Thanks for the reply Mick.
I bought my box all set up for me..messaged the seller for help (no joy)
no back up was given with it.
cant access any files through filezilla as i can't connect to my box to find out my ip address on it..
This is all new to me and im clueless any step by step guide would help.
Got to as far as the VU+ Control Centre and connected it up with my box..(dont want to loose anything)
What do i need to do next?
Click on the settings backup option.
You don't get a backup, you do a backup, via the menu options, to save having to start from the beginning and scan in channels, and bouquets.
You will lose quite a bit, no matter what, as it looks like you'll have to load a fresh image, as yours seems to now be corrupted.
Do you have a USB stick connected, with multi boot options?
Do you have a hard drive installed?
This forum can help you get your receiver working again, with whichever image you prefer, but some things are against the forum rules.
Is it just recordings, that you don't want to lose? Yopu can access your hard drive using the VU+ Control Centre, although you should still be able to play them after re-installing your image.
Were you running the latest Black Hole?
Think I've done a back up saved to my Pc..
I've had my vu since Feb this year so blackhole was the latest at that date..
It's got a Hdd not a usb.
I don't want to lose my cam or T's media
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Click on the settings backup option.
You don't get a backup, you do a backup, via the menu options, to save having to start from the beginning and scan in channels, and bouquets.
You will lose quite a bit, no matter what, as it looks like you'll have to load a fresh image, as yours seems to now be corrupted.
Do you have a USB stick connected, with multi boot options?
Do you have a hard drive installed?
This forum can help you get your receiver working again, with whichever image you prefer, but some things are against the forum rules.
Is it just recordings, that you don't want to lose? Yopu can access your hard drive using the VU+ Control Centre, although you should still be able to play them after re-installing your image.
Were you running the latest Black Hole?

thanx for getting back to me Mick
Think I've done a back up saved to my Pc..
I've had my vu since Feb this year so blackhole was the latest at that date..
It's got a Hdd not a usb.
What do i need to do next to install the new image
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Make sure you have saved you channel data, otherwise you will need to scan in the channels again, and re-do all your settings.
You first need to download the latest Black Hole image, for your receiver, you state you have a VU+ Solo2:

I would first make sure your VU+ Solo 2 is genuine, it only takes a minute:

There is also a quick guide, on howe to flash your receiver:
Before you do so can you please provide more details, regarding your satellite setup.
Do you have a fixed or motorized dish?
If it is motorized are you using Usals, or Diseqc 1.2, to move your dish?
Once the receiver has been re-flashed you might need to set up your motor settings again.
Is it a fixed dish with just 1 LNB?
If it is scanning in the channels, and setting up your favourite bouquets, shouldn't take too long.
where can i download the latest Black Hole image?
nevermind found it
what next?
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Have you checked the links, I posted earlier? Especially the guides:

Once you have unzipped the file you load the vuplus folder onto your USB stick, which you need to format to FAT 32, using your PC.
Cheers mick
Done that blackhole all installed now..
how do i reinstall my backup files