Samba/CIFS on Solo2/BH 2.1.2

Ben Goodyear

Vu+ Newbie
Just got my Solo2 box yesterday, very pleased with it, enjoying learning how it works!
I wanted to get Samba going (to view the internal drive easily from Windows) and am finding it harder than expected. Looking through various posts (e.g. from the Black Hole Vu+ Solo2 2.1.2 thread on this forum), it seems I should be able to get to "Samba Panel" through the addons menu, and "download and install additional packages from the blackhole server". Well, I've been through all the addons options on my box, it connects to the server, lists a set of packages, but doesn't include Samba panel. Also, doesn't include a lot of stuff that's on that link, like NFS, VPN etc.
Should I be doing something else to view all these packages?
I've answered my own question...forgive the newbie!
Did opkg list-installed and discovered samba server was already installed. Then discovered samba server is called smbd (I'd been searching for "samba" in the ps list), and discovered it was running already...:oops:
So I assume its absence from the additional packages list was because it was already installed? Or perhaps it's just a cli install rather than a BH interface one?
Hi. I also have been looking for sharing HDD (view the internal drive easily from Windows).
I view all folders of BU+9 , but I can´t view hard disk from windows.
I will very pleased if you show us in this tread how you have done this!.
