sat motor curiosity


Vu+ Newbie
guys I've had my sat aligned with motor using usals lat long etc.... the only thing was that the sat couldnt tune to 28.2E because I have a wooden frame, rather than drilling new holes to move everything to the left, I loosened the nuts holding the motor to the mast / pole and simply rotated the motor horizontally / to the left no up and down just a bit to the left so when it moves it can tune to 28.2 without hitting the wooden frame.

thing is now it lost every sat, I tried putting it exactly where it was because I marked on the mast where it was but nothing. it moves over satellites and gets high SNR and it keeps moving and stops on a 0 SNR position.

I can put many new sats to static position but with motor I still cannot learn where it should be installed looking at direction the motor, I read a lot and alot, there are some that say to point motor to true south..then what? I know the receiver has lat and long but it references to what to move to other transpoders? I aligned it on hotbird 13E but bam I change channel and the sat simply goes to other position and when I change channel back it doesnt come back to where I aligned it..

any help would b appreciated A LOT, I've installed lots of sat for family and friends but static.
By moving the motor you have negated your original set up. You now need to start from the beginning, with your dish/motor.
You might get away with sending your dish to 0.8W, or whichever satellite is nearest your true south position, which is your longitude reading, negative longitudal readings = West, positive = East.
Once done manually move your dish, and motor, to get the strongest signal possible, from this satellite.
Providing you haven't knocked anything else out of alignment your receiver should now send the dish to the correct position.
If it doesn't please check your pole is still absolutely plumb, and start the installation from scratch, setting the motor, and dish, at zero, with no skew on the LNB, then use your receiver to send it to a satellite and physically align the dish to that satellite.