satallite search issue

sapo exndo

Vu+ Newbie

sorry if i'm putting this thread in the wrong section but i couldn't find another for my issue.

yetderday i setup hotbird satallite and i got very good signal, i programmed other satallite with no issue,all channels there, but when i start searching channels in hotbird it start to get the correct channels for like the first 5 Frequencies then it stop gettng channels then it start to get another satallite channel with hotbird Frequencies.
i didn't face this issue while programming the other satallite.
i tried single satallite search, multi satallite, closing other satallite and keep only hotbird, plugeed the cable to tuner B, fully shutdown the receiver and issue still up.

device: vu++duo2, BH image 3.0.5.
LNB: inverto BLACK Ultra.
Diseq: Switch Atec 109-W.
only got three satallite and every one in a single dish.
Welcome to the forum.

Are you saying that you have 3 satellite dishes, all pointing to different satellites?

How have you got your tuners configured?

Are all 3 dishes connected to your Diseqc switch and your tuners?

Have you tried manually scanning in each transponder, on 13E?

Welcome to the forum.

Are you saying that you have 3 satellite dishes, all pointing to different satellites?

How have you got your tuners configured?
advanced and set every satallite to its input, disceq 1.0 from long time with no issue

Are all 3 dishes connected to your Diseqc switch and your tuners?
3 in dishes to diseqc and 1 out to the tuner.

Have you tried manually scanning in each transponder, on 13E?
i did and i got channels very well but full single satallite search is the issue as i mention

answers ^^
Why not try running a cable directly, from your Hotbird LNB, to your second tuner, and then set that tuner up as simple, single satellite, hotbird 13E, and try scanning.

If the only problem is when you do a blind scan then it could be due to a software issue. You will have to post more details, of the type of scan, you're running, and all the settings. You could use openwebif, to grab a screen shot, and use a paint program, save the image, then upload it, to the site.

You could also try running Open Black Hole, to see if that works.
Actually is not clear at all what you mean by: "then it stop gettng channels then it start to get another satallite channel with hotbird Frequencies".
Do you mean that the scanning goes on on the same satellite but not following the normal order of transponders (frequencies)?
If this is the arcane, then it's normal if in the scanning is enabled Network scan: in this case the order is not the transponders' one.

If you meant something else, please explain in simple words, just to avoid the risk of being misunderstood.