satelite position on info bar


Vu+ Newbie
is there any way of the info bar showing the satellite position,
for e.g when i press the info bar either single or twice for extended info and i,m on either 19 or 28.2 east , all i see is the name "Astra" in the info bar. or even on 21.6 all it says is "Eutelsat" .. I,v tried differant skins and they all do the same so i dont think its a skin issue..
What i,m after is the info to show the actual sat position, e.g 28.e or 19 east etc rather than just 'astra' or 'eutelsat'..
Also when moving the dish is there any way the animated dish that appears showing dish is moving can also show which postition it is moving to, like on the dreambox.. ?

If you using BH 1.7.8
you can see the actual sat position and the animated dish
(if the animated dish enabled in the Customize Panel Menu.)
i am usin bh1.7.8. i can see the animated image but id like it to also say where the dish is moving to, position wise..
on my info all i get is the sat name, like just plain 'astra' for both 19 and 28.2 or eutelsat, no positions..
In all my skins you can see sat positions.
In our images you cannot see where the dish is moving to.
I think it is totally unnecessary
Because you know which SAT you chose in the SAT list,
And you can see in the OSD.


this is all i get on both 28.2 and other astra positions.. iv tried other skins with same results..
This is because in the meantime we changed coding within image.
You can try new skins .


When we get the next update for skins
then it will be fix for these older skins.