SATIP Client


Vu+ Newbie
I can see that there is a process satipclient running by default on my vu duo2 blackhole 4.02.
However there is also a satipclient plugin that can installed. I installed it....crashed my box and I reinstalled a backup!
The question are:
- How can I configure the client? out of the box only with the backhole image?
- Do I need a plugin?

Thank you.

- whot version you have bh image ? you write about 4.02 ?
- you have crashlog ?
- whot you can used by satip client ?
I have a Blackhole 3.02i sorry for the typo.
I would like to test satip with tvheadend:
- test it as a client from vuduo2, using the tbs5927 connected to my tvheadend.
- test is as a server , to use the tuner of my duo2 from tvheadend.

So the question are:
- do i need to install a plugin on my vuduo2 as i already see sat ipcloent is running on the duo2?(without having installed any plugin, so it seems to come out of the box woth blackhole)
- is there a sapip server available on vu duo2?

Hope this is abit more clear.