Setup problems


Vu+ Newbie
Hi there, i am trying to set up a Vu+ ultimo 4K for a friend and got stuck. He has a motorized dish with a universal LNB which i managed to set up. Is there a general setup to receive two different satellites? Thanks in advance
Which image have you got loaded? Black Hole, Open Black Hole, or even the original image, from vuplus?
Hi, to be honest, i don't really know. The main thing i need to know is basically how to make the dish move when i change to another sat. Also which setup to use to get the channels with the service scan.
There are two ways a motorized system can work.
1. The basic setup, using USALS, you go into the menu, Setup, Tuner Settings, select Configuration Mode: simple, Mode: Positioner, the enter your Latitude, and Longitude.

2. Diseqc 1.2, go into the menu, setup, configuration mode: Advanced, Select your satellite, e.g. Astra 1, 19.2E, set LNB to 1, select Diseqc 1.2, then you can either use USALS, or select no, set the stored position to 1.
Exit that menu then go to Positioner Setup, scroll to an option to move the dish, then locate the satellite and store it at the same position, 1. You have to set up each satellite, that you want the motor to go to, in the same way, e.g. Hotbird, 13E, position 2, then find the satellite and store it, on that same position, 2.
There are two ways a motorized system can work.
1. The basic setup, using USALS, you go into the menu, Setup, Tuner Settings, select Configuration Mode: simple, Mode: Positioner, the enter your Latitude, and Longitude.

2. Diseqc 1.2, go into the menu, setup, configuration mode: Advanced, Select your satellite, e.g. Astra 1, 19.2E, set LNB to 1, select Diseqc 1.2, then you can either use USALS, or select no, set the stored position to 1.
Exit that menu then go to Positioner Setup, scroll to an option to move the dish, then locate the satellite and store it at the same position, 1. You have to set up each satellite, that you want the motor to go to, in the same way, e.g. Hotbird, 13E, position 2, then find the satellite and store it, on that same position, 2.

Thank you ever so much. This is exactly what i was looking for, explained in an easy and simple way. I don't think one can find it in the manual like this.
That's because you can load different software, images, on to an Enigma 2 based receiver, and each might be slightly different. However you should be able to find videos, online, if you know what you're searching for.
e.g. How to setup diseqc 1.2 on Enigma 2 receiver, How to setup Diseqc 1.2 in Open Black Hole, How to setup USALS on Enigma 2 receiver, etc..
Hello all, I am a beginner in this VU+ world. Just acquired a VU+ UNO 4K SE. Trying to set it up with an existing motorised antenna DISEQC 1.2 not USALS. I just followed this thread but after the step where I configured tuner A in Diseqc 1.2 mode correctly, I am unable to fing a "positioner menu' in the system.. Receiver in original sw factory version... Thanks for help.
The VU+ Uno 4K SE is just a receiver, it all depends on the software, image, you have loaded, and the skin you're using.
In Open Black Hole 4.4 Positioner Setup is in Menu, Setup, Tuners & Scanning, Positioner Setup.
Thanks for your anwser. I haven't (yet) load any additional sw, image or skin...over the factory sw; I was genuinely thinking the receiver be delivered with the appropriate sw.
Your question seems to mean that I need to install (or add) a specific image to get the full functions? The so called latest appropriates images of Open BH or BH?
Different images have mostly the same functions, just not in the same order, or possibly even with a different name. You will find Black Hole easier to use, as it's based on the official image.
To have some "features" you must necessarily install a different image from the original because they allow you to do "something" more.

Inviato dal mio MI 11 utilizzando Tapatalk
Open Black Hole installed. Managed to setup 7 satellites on Tuner A, correctly tuned and positionned by Diseqc 1.2 with my motorised antenna and legacy positioner, all SAT scanned. All OK (including Eutelsat 5W with Fransat crypted channels). Now the task to filter the lists, defines favorites and remove (if possible) channels with no use.
Thanks all.
It's a lot easier if you use your PC, and tools like DreamboxEDIT
Vu+ Tools & Settings | VuPlus Community (

To use dreamboxedit, or other tools, with Open Black Hole 4.4, you first need to set a password, on your VU+, by going into the network menu, and password. This password can be practically anything.

Once you have downloaded dreamboxedit you need to set up a new folder, on your PC desktop, called settings, default name, and location.

Once you've started up dreamboxedit go to Tools, and Options, enter your receivers IP Address, username, which is root, and the new password, then test the connections.

You can now go to File and fast FTP download, which will allow you to quickly set up Bouquets, (Favourites), edit the channel list and then FTP it back to your receiver.