Show service id (Sid,Pid) in black hole


Vu+ Newbie

I can't show service id (Sid,Pid) in blackhole i tried many skins without success
just one skin give me opportunity to see sids & pids is hdglass but is not 100% compatible ( because when i push blue botton or yellow cause restart enigma )
I have a Vu+ Duo

thank's in advance
yes you are right thank you, after install latest version of hdglass is working now, but why in all other skins we can't show service reference ( sid, pid ) in infobar ?
Hello, actually, I find a serious lack that at least basic infos about satellite (if nor more) are not shown in the list of channels in my bouquets. This would be important for many reasons: for instance to put same channel but with different satellites frequencies, in the channel list. Or, to give another example, to easy group channels in your bouquet.
I know it's possible to use bouquets for grouping in various way, but this is not the same than having your main bouquet well organised. And, anyway, it doesn't solve the first problem.
Is there any pluging to make channel list infos more exhaustive?