Shut Down Options in my Duo2


Vu+ User
I have forgotten how to find the option (I remember I had to change it to Advanced or something like that to see it) that allows you to change the options on shutting down your duo2.
What i'm trying to say is whenever you install a new image or a new image for the first time on a new duo2 whenever you go to shut down the duo2 you (SHORT) press on your ir control the red power on/off button and it brings a list up with more options on shutting it down or to re start the enigma or restart the box.
Now on my other duo2 I have it set that once I SHORT press the RED power button it goes into Stand by immediately (white LED on)
I spend one hour trying to to find this special list of options that allows you to change the way the Duo2 shuts down. By the way this Duo2 has BH 2.1.0 image on it.
Can someone please help me find this option list with these options in it and if so I will defiantly this time write it down
Thank you very much. I have written it down this time and I will try not to lose the book its in with all my other Duo2 Info.