Sid not found in Pat


Vu+ Newbie
Hello. I have a problem that is driving me crazy and wondered if anyone here could help..

I recently uploaded a new catseye channel list from the BH download addon. Before i uploaded this channel list my ESPN was working fine, but as soon as i uploaded it, it no longer works, i just get the message Sid not found in Pat. I have tried manual scan etc. I even flashed my box with the lates BH image 2.0.5. I then downloaded some different dated catseye lists and it was still the same. When my ESPN was working i was using a catseye list but cannot for the life of me remember which date it was. Does anyone know the reason this is happening? or has it happened to someone else and they fixed it?

I am using a VU+Duo
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Instead of automatic scan just do a manual scan with info above when new channel found add to your favourite list.
Here is my settings, it also says services found for ESPN HD but when i go to that channel i get sid not found in pat


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ok done that. Put the file into etc/enigma2 (never worked) then i put it into tuxbox and swapped that one and still does not work.

It gets annoying cause i did have it working perfect. And i know it must have been something i did when changing channel lists.

I use Filezilla to ftp all my files. I always get messages saying cannot find lamedb file when i try to use dreamboxedit

Thanks for all the help so far, i do appreciate it
If you check in all channels list it should be there and then with channel highlighted press menu select add service to bouquet. Select list you want to add it to.
ok I got it. What i done in the end was went to the satellite and clicked on services, and selected espn from in there and worked. So that's great. I just got to figure out how to move it to bouqet. I have done the menu bit and selected move to bouqet but it dosen't move. No worries though, at least i know where to find it now :). Thanks very much for all your help. I really appreciate it
When you select move to bouquet press ok it should give you a list of favourites and you select which one you want and press ok. Then if you want to move channel inside your favourite list select highlight press menu enable move mode press ok it highlights in red then move channel to desired position in list press ok job done.
There's been lots of frequency changes lately on 28.2 more ESPN classic and America. Discovery moving etc so much easier to use auto bouquet maker.