Signal drop in bad weather


Vu+ Newbie
Hi all,

Signal drops from 60% SNR to 1% and then back up? any ideas? pole is set correctly and this doesn't happen all of the time.


60% is a low signal quality reading, depending on your general location, dish size, and satellites/channels you're viewing.
A larger dish will help with rain fade, which is just a lessening of signal, during rain, the only time you should lose signal, on a strong satellite, is during snow, or really heavy, torrential, rain.
I would also check your cable connections, to see if they are weather proof, and no rain is getting into your cable, or LNB.
I will check tomorrow, its a motorised system, 80cm dish, i think mick12334 is right, the 60% is on history+1 28.2 E.
This might sound simple but are you close to trees that have filled out through summer, come autumn and winter, problems diminish

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