size and qualitu splash_cfe_auto


Vu+ User
hello i wounder about the siza 720*480 or can it be bigger and what about the quality high resolution or not.

regards Seth
Quality depends on the encoding bit rate the codec end the software used, the higher the bit rate the better quality. The resolution of a video can be changed for bigger,but if you do so the quality will never be better than the source, whatever you do.
Quality depends on the encoding bit rate the codec end the software used, the higher the bit rate the better quality. The resolution of a video can be changed for bigger,but if you do so the quality will never be better than the source, whatever you do.
This is not about video. Bootlogo
Bootlogo for BlackHole 2.1.7 is 720x480 72dpi
I made bootlogo 720x576 300dpi for other images and works well