skin issues.


Vu+ Newbie
hi guys.

right, I'm fairly new to all this VU stuff and its starting to get the better of me. I have a VU+ solo2 running BH 3.0.2.F, and I've managed to connect it to both DCC and Filezila. I cant for the life of me move over the files to load a new skin though..... neither programme will do it, they just come back with errors. I've also noticed that my flash memory is 100% full, I've no idea how as it's brand new and I've not downloaded anything so far. help me out guys.
these are the files im trying to move if it helps.

the renders and the converters go in the following usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ u will see the render and converter folder place the files in the corect folders.

the Sky Blackhole folder goes into /usr/share/enigma2/

the fonts files gointo /usr/share/fonts/

the picons on my box goes in to the /usr/share/enigma2/ folder