Slyuk channel lists


Vu+ Newbie
Hi i know this has been asked on numerous occasions but i am asking again if there is any possibility of one ever being added to the server downloads..i was rightly told there was no point as there is an e2 bouquet plugin available for images..i agree with that but some people are having difficulties with this plugin i beleive..i hav,nt tried it myself as i did,nt like the issues that the plugin was causing.....and also because it just takes up more room......... i realise this is not a major issue but i am just wondering does these setings take up a lot of bandwidth on the bh server as i realise running a server is not free and i appreciate all the work you guys doI I dont want to change images to look for an image that has a uk bouquet in downloads,,i would much rather just teamviewer in and do it the way i have to do it. for my friends.. i would also gladly keep an up to date list and post it or emailed,or uploaded via rapidshare and sent to the staff..there is a few out there that are already working and i believe are updated regularly..also some of my friends in ireland dont have a cmputer so it means i have to open ports in routers and the majority of bb apart from upc in ireland have poor bb meaning poor routers and no way of opening the ports required for dreambox edit meaning my cousin has to trapes around there with a laptop to put the channel list on..

Just seems to make more sense to add a list of some description for slyuk unless there is another reason i dont know,i would even donate to help towards server costs but i dont think you guys have a donation system, if anyone could please let me know if there is an e2 plugin that works with what image i will try it out as it looks like the channel list wont go on anyway...

Does anyone know if there is an image similar to bh images with a uk channel list built in to there downloads.. I remember vix images had them on their server a couple of years ago but i aint using that cack...
Bh used to have them too mate. it was under catseye motor scan but lately it became unusable due to errors on it. Have you tried auto bouquet maker mate?