SNR 0% on Hotbird 13 after installing 2.1.7

Ghost Protocol

Vu+ Newbie
Hotbird 13 channels worked fine, installed 2.1.7 and updated Vhannibal channel list and now none of them work and SNR 0%? Help appreciated, do I need to update the FPGA, if so how do I do that?
Have you configured your tuners properly?
try doing a manual scan, of a known, active, FTA, transponder, on 13E, and see if you get a signal.
Have you configured your tuners properly?
try doing a manual scan, of a known, active, FTA, transponder, on 13E, and see if you get a signal.

Tuners all setup properly, manually scanned a FTA and nothing found. However, under menu 'setup - service searching - satfinder' I found that a signal is coming through the tuner set to Hotbird 13, see photo.

So seems I'm getting a signal!photo.JPG
I can't see a 11836 H 27500 frequency, on Hotbird, 13E, but I can see that frequency on Astra 1, 19.2E, which makes me think you're on the wrong satellite.
Please try doing a manual scan, of Astra 1, 19.2E, 11538 B 22000 DVB-S and see if anything scans in.
Could you also please post more information, regarding your satellite setup, fixed/motorized dish, diseqc switch, etc....
Tried the above scan but nothing. Two fixed dishes, one pointing to 28.2 and pointing to 13, then two diseqc a/b with each having one 28.2 and 13 cable into it. From there I have each one plugged into each tuner on my box. The tuners are then setup with 1 = 28.2 and 2 = 13. This has worked fine for years and currently no problems with 28.2. The 13 dish hasn't moved and all the connections from the lab to the box seem fine. Only since updating to black hole 2.1.7 I seem to have a problem.

Thanks for helping on this appreciated.
I don't think the problem is with Black Hole 2.1.7, but something has changed, maybe due to the channel list download, or even a hardware problem, failure of your 13E LNB.
just checked and 11836 H 27500 is also an active transponder on 28.2E.
Try going into the menu, Setup, Service Searching, Tuner Configuration, select Tuner A, and see if the settings are still Configuration Mode = Simple, Mode = Diseqc A/B, and the settings are still the same, for Astra 2, 28.2E, and Hotbird, 13E.
Flashed the box again and checked tuner config, just done a service scan on Hotbird 13 and only found 12 services on one frequency, nothing on the other frequencies, would this confirm that the LNB is working ok?

photo 1.JPG photo 3.JPG

Dear friend

You've set the satellite moved into the tuner settings

Try again set 28.0 ° for tuner A "and" tuner B for Hotbird.

In the end

restart enigma.
Flashed the box again and checked tuner config, just done a service scan on Hotbird 13 and only found 12 services on one frequency, nothing on the other frequencies, would this confirm that the LNB is working ok?

View attachment 22762 View attachment 22763

Sorry, if i cross any post ... but i think you are only searching one frequency!

Can you post the screen parameters ... how you did the search?

best regards
Those frequencies are on 28.2E, by the look of it, not 13E, those shown are on 11426 V 27500.
If you have easy access, to your dishes, try running a cable directly from the LNB, at 13E, to your receiver, just to check you're getting a signal.
So far all your searches seem to be bringing up channels from 28.2E.
Finally sorted it Mick12334, I had tuners incorrectly set up, changed the configuration and managed to get it sorted. Both tuners are now set up as follows:

Simple, DiSEqC A/B/C/D; Port A - Astra 28.2E, Port B - Hotbird 13.0E, Port C and D nothing connected.

The only issue I have now is if I record a channel I can't watch anything else, any ideas why?

You should only need the basic set up, Tuner A Simple, Diseqc A/B, A = Astra 2, 28.2E, B = Hotbird, 13E, unless you have a 4 way Diseqc switch and only using 2 ports.
You should be able to view all FTA channels, on both satellites, when only recording one transponder, and even if recording 2 separate transponders, you should still be able to view other channels, on those transponders.
When recording you should see one of the Tuner letters go Red, when you bring up the information, by pressing the OK button, and the other Tuner remain Blue.

Check if both tuners are working, as they could be set up differently.

Try setting Tuner A to Not Configured, then set Tuner B up to Simple, Diseqc A/B, A = Astra 2, 28.2E, B = Hotbird 13E, and see if you can view any channels, if not try setting Tuner B to A = Hotbird, 13E, B = Astra 2, 28.2E. If it still doesn't work, try Simple, Diseqc A/B/C/D and try different ports, for each satellite, until you have them working.
Once done change Tuner B to Not Configured and set Tuner A up, in the same way, until you can view channels from each satellite.
Once done turn both tuners on again, then see if you can record one channel, and view another.
Tried different configurations and both tuners work independently and only as configured below:

Simple, DiSEqC A/B/C/D; Port A - Astra 28.2E, Port B - Hotbird 13.0E, Port C and D nothing connected.

My DiSEqc is a 4 way.

The problem seems to be that if one tuner is busy the box doesn't seem to use the other tuner to watch a different channel.
Try changing your preferred tuner.
Go into the Menu, Setup, System, Customise, change the first option to Expert, then navigate to the preferred tuner options, change this form Auto to B, save it and see if it then works.
I can't think of any reason why you can't record at lewast one FTA channel, and view another, as you've tested both Diseqc switches and both tuners.