Solo 2 twin tuner config.

johnnny Kavanagh

Vu+ Newbie
Hi pep's
Hope you guys can help me, i have the lastest BH image running on my solo 2 but im having probs using my twin tuner.
I'm on 28.2e and im looking to have the turners setup much like s@y plus (record and watch other channels)
any help would be great.
tuner a is setup as simple and single to 28.2e and so is tuner b but i still cant record and watch channels on the same feq
ie record s$y sports one and watch s$y sports two if i try all i get is a blank screen when i change from the recording channel.
First thing just checking u r running 2 cable from dish if yes and u r set tuner a to 28.2 and tuner b to second cable from dish that's my setting and I can record one then watch another channel on Different transponder no probs

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yeah both cables are connected and both are set up for 28.2e,the prob im having is because s£y sports all run on the same freq i cant record say ss1 and watch ss2 , i pressume the same would happen with s£y movies as they all run the same freq too, i thought that if tuner a was recording tuner b would kick in so a could watch a "same freq" channel.
I can't help you on this one m8 I have tryed free to air channels no probs

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it's definitely working with levi's configuration - if you have TWIN lnb - both tuners and lnbs are working independently and you can record one channel and watch another' it doesn't matter what frequency it is
I struggled with this a bit until I realised I had not put the end on one of my cables on well enough, as a first point of call I'd check there.
then if they are ok I'd check that fta channels on different transponders can be watched and recorded at same time.... then its down to things not working which can't be discussed in this forum so you'll have to ask elsewhere (check the forum rules if you don't know what I mean, and be careful what you ask as you can get banned for discussing certain stuff).