Solo 4K FBC Tuner question


Vu+ Newbie

If I understand correctly Solo 4K with the new FBC tuner is able to receive 4 channels from independent transponders / 1 input ( 8 channel in total If I have 2 cable). At this moment I have single simple LNB with one output. With current setup and with a Solo 4K I could receive the 4 channels independently?

But here is a video where the guy is setup an Unicable head (unfortunately I don't understand the video, because it's in german)? I red before that this receiver is not compatible with Unicable LNB's, so what's the true?

Previously I wanted to buy a Duo2/Solo2 with 2x twin tuner (4 channel in total), but If Solo4k can do the same with 1 cable I am going to buy this one.
I think it is clear that you can receive 8 channels with LNB shown in video .
Tuners configuration in the video is clear without the knowledge of the German language.
The only thing I am afraid is that the LNB is expensive.


GT-SAT GT-dLNB1 DY Unicable / Einkabel LNB für 24 SAT Tuner

+- 119 euro
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