Solo2, can I copy video files to USB and can I record series


Vu+ Newbie
Hi, I will hopefully be buying one of these in the next few weeks but would like confirmation of how they work please. I have looked in the downloaded user manual but can't see any details.
Initially all I want is a good quality PVR to record Freesat+ transmissions.
I currently have an older Humax box due for replacement, it can do the following so I would like to keep these facilities.

First question is can they record TV series and do they use the channel's start and end signals (where available) to record rather than fixed times. So that late starts and rescheduled programs aren't missed.
A a lot of other recorders I looked at only seem to have the old VCR type timers of daily, weekly, weekends etc.
I searched for VU+ and freesat+ but only found another forum with explanations of software downloads etc I didn't really follow.

Secondly I know that the Solo2 can save to an external HDD so I assume it can also copy from the internal to the external ? I like to keep copies of movies etc that I like. Since there is a lot of software I am sure this will be possible but can it do this 'out of the box'.

What format are copied files in ? I use editing software to remove ads etc and there are some files it can't handle. Mpeg-2 or 4AVC are fine. I assume the files recorded are not encrypted or compressed, so I can just copy to memory stick and read into the editor.

Any help appreciated
The VU+ Solo2 is far more than a FTA satellite receiver, for freesat, to use it just for that is a bit of overkill, you might as well just buy a dedicated UK freesat recorder.

Youi can access the VU+ Solo2 using your PC, if both are connected to your router, and copy recorded files, from your internal hard drive to your PC, edit them and copy them back, think of it as part of a network.
Thanks for the quick reply, network connection is even better.
I did realise it was more than a sat system but initially just need a Humax replacement, I do like the idea of looking at the other aspects of it as well once I have it established.
I am in France so we have trouble accessing such as iPlayer etc (proxy server needed and not happy with that idea) but other web content could prove interesting.

Does the Freesat+ OSG work though or is it a more basic OSG ? From the sound of it even if Freesat+ OSG is not initially there I would be able to install it ?
The VU+ Solo2, is a linux based receiver, so think of it more as a Linux PC, you can install an image, like Black Hole, but there are others, that provide a lot of options, but then you can add/remove software, Plugins, that provide even more options.
It isn't a dedicated freesat receiver, which only has software for freesat, so is far easier to setup, and use, compared to the VU+ Solo2, or any linux based receiver.
Most owners use motorized satellite dishes, that are capable of receiving lots of satellites, and channels, from different countries, so the EPG is not solely for UK Freesat, neither are the recordiong functions, which is why I said it seems a bit of a waste to buy one just for UK Freesat.

I personally have a VU+ Duo2, which provides even more options, especially regarding tuners, as you can even add a terrestrial tuner, for Freeview, but as I never view any British television, due to the satellite options the receiver provides, I will not be adding that option, but I could add a second DVB-S2 Twin satellite tuner, providing extra recording/viewing options.
I see what you mean, a good explanation of it being basically a PC. I was beginning to guess that Black Hole was something in it's own right rather than a bit of general software added on.
Looking at forums I see there are a lot of such things available. Sometimes confusing terminology doesn't help, like Image. Now that I know Black Hole is an Image other comments elsewhere make more sense, someone elsewhere was complaining about unsupported Image types. I couldn't undersand why that mattered.

That said I will investigate the Images available and see if any can be of use to me.
I know it is like in the Hitch Hiker's Guide, Brain the size of a planet and all I do is show movies :)

Although I wouldn't be stretching the unit it is only a little more than a decent standard PVR (£270) but offers me the opportunity to access the HDD direct and copy to my PC HDD for editing. To me this is worth the extra.

I still need to research Linux / MS NTFS files systems for copying etc. as I haven't tried that yet but I know there are converters out there.
You will find that most images have just about the same plugins and can do what the other one can do but it's a matter of preference/taste.Personally speaking I have tried several and settled on Blackhole because of ease to use.Hey!If my girlfriend can use it then happy days!Less grief in the house!
Black Hole did seem the most popular.
Always a good test of usability to press OSG for someone and say, there you go then. If they can figure it out with no real instruction then it must make sense.
Always hard to create something easy to use as the temptation is always to add just another couple of clever bits, and just another couple more.......