Solo2 Remote Control wierd functioning..


Vu+ Newbie
I have Vu+ Solo2.
I set Remote Control of my box to be able to switch on/off my TV (long press 1-3, TV code (panasonic 2153),..). It was working for years no problem.

Recently all of a sudden (without any reinstallation/resetting), RemoteControl doesn't want to switch on TV with first click on Power button (the one you see flashing when any RC button is pressed).
I replaced battery - didn't help.
Then I noticed, if I press power button - it doesn't flash, as if it was not pressed !
I was suspecting that by too strong pressing I somehow managed to break the contact of power button.
But then, I found out that If I press power button and keep it pressed on - eventually after some 5-6 seconds - it starts flashing and TV turns on..

Any idea what might happen to this RC?
Anyone seen anything like this?

I tried to reconfigure RC for my Panasonic TV but it is still not working..
I have also problems with RC of my Solo2. Is set to control my Samsung TV but... sometimes works, sometimes not.
Reset RC, programing again; the same behaviour: only sometimes work.