Solo2 setup - all gone 'pete tong'


Vu+ Newbie
Just setting up my new box today and stuck on what to do witin about 2 mins .....

All went ok until I was asked about setting up satellites (feeds swapped from my Humax so all ok) but the installation in general just says 'loading' and nothing happens about 20 mins now and still nothing.
I tried the sat install but just get asked for Astra and Hotbird then says searching, for ages and found 11 so far, still running.

I know this is a bit wooly but not quite the 'click to set to default' set up in a couple of minutes that the guides suggest.
What do I do to set up the satellite so I can watch something, I can work the rest out from there. Any quick guides ?
Can you please provide more information, regarding your dish.
Is it a motorized dish?
Do you have 1 fixed dish, or dishes, with more than 1 LNB?
Do you use a Diseqc switch, with several LNB's?

Are you using Black Hole, or some other image?
Fixed dish, as used by Humax so all 100% strength/signal.
Original software, not that I have seen any of it yet as can't tune anything in.
I am about to go back to factory settings and start again.
Which version of the VU+ do you have? Does it have twin tuners, to set up, and I think service searching?
As you have a fixed dish you don't need to do that, you just need to set it up.
I assume you're fixed dish is on Astra 2, 28.2E, just go into the menu, Setup, Tuner A and either set it for simple, then scroll through the satellite options to get the satellite you want, or set it for advanced and select LNB 1, and the satellite.
Once done go into the service searching and either manually scan in the channels or do a full search.
Personally I prefer to do manual scans, of the channels that I want, then set up bouquets, (Favourites), to make finding the channels easier.
Check for full details of all the channels available.
Thanks, I finally manged to get some channels tuned but can't see all of them. I know the VU+ boxes are meant for simple use and need some effort to set them up but they are a bit unhelpful, channels tuned then just sits there, no ok to continue etc. Still finally have something even if Enigma2 is very basic.

The automatic scan found over 270 channels but I can only see about 80 ? Missing are such as Film4, channel5 which must be there just not showing.
Are they masked in some way ? Opting for services seems to limit them (selecting all makes no difference), for example if I select Astra services I just get 8 or so main Sky channels and Hotbird has more but way less than it said it found.

Is there a really view all option ?
You have mentioned channels on Astra 2, 28.2E, and Hotbird, 13E, do you have a fixed dish, with multiple LNB's?
If so you need to use the advanced option and Diseqc option, to set up the LNB's.
Can you please provide more detailed information, regarding your dish set up.

You can manually scan in any channels, check the lyngsat link, for the information:
It is a fixed dish with a 4 way LNB, 2 go to boxes in other rooms and two go to the VU+. I was using Single and standard setup, I will try that later tonight, thanks for the help.
It sounds like you're just getting Astra 2, 28.2E, with a normal Sky dish, so just scan in the channels, in the link, and set up some useful bouquets, for your favourite channels.
In the future you might want to look at fitting a motorized dish, and viewing all the other available satellites, at least from 42E to 30W.
Thanks that worked, I am going the scenic route and doing it manually. Automatic does not get all the channels by any means, no idea why but I assume I have not set something up correctly.
No problem though as manual is faster and more accurate in that it gets all, I can also limit it to free channels only and so remove the unwanted ones.