specific frequency could not be found by VU + Solo2!


Vu+ Newbie
Dear members,
happy new year.

i have a confusing problem with my SB vu+ solo2:

only at Eutelsat 7 A/B when i manually search specific frequency:
11304, 29700 H
unfortunatelly no chanels could be found. i connect antenna wire to my old SB( cuberevo 250 hd) and it easilly found all chanels at this frequency and can play chanels correctly, there for there is no problem with dish and lnb. also i download up to date satelite.xml file and put it at var/enigma 2 and also at tuxbox. check it again and problem exist yet. i update blackhole image for latest one and again update satelite.xml, but there is no chance. it seems that my vu solo2 became blind at this frequency and signal also is zero at this frequency but with same setup and only changing SB to my old one, every thing became good and ok.
i dont know is there any mistake with tuner configuration or not.

i need your help.

its my configuration:
I switched from Blackhole, to Open Blackhole, so I can't remember the satellite search options, in Blackhole, do you have the signal Finder option, in Blackhole?
The image you've posted is of the tuner configurations, not the satellite search options, can you please post an image of the manual search options, in case there's a problem with that.
Have you tried doing a blind search, of 7E, and seeing if that finds the channels?
I switched from Blackhole, to Open Blackhole, so I can't remember the satellite search options, in Blackhole, do you have the signal Finder option, in Blackhole?
The image you've posted is of the tuner configurations, not the satellite search options, can you please post an image of the manual search options, in case there's a problem with that.
Have you tried doing a blind search, of 7E, and seeing if that finds the channels?
yes i did auto search with updated xml and clear chanels (yes) option, it couldnt find again!
Do you really need the Advanced setup for your tuner? I mean, if you don't have specific needs, why don't you use the "Simple" mode? How many satellites do you get? If you have less than 4 sats and if you have no SCR LNB along with the Universal one I can see in your picture, you can choose the simple mode and DiSEQc A/B or A/B/C/D setup.
Much simpler and safer.
I am unable to get that frequency, to test it, as I'm outside the footprint, being in the UK, so please post your general location, and dish size, so that others might help, who can receive that transponder.