Speed in new receiver compared to Solo 2


Vu+ Newbie
Hi, I have a VU+ Solo 2 that I think is fast enough when switching between channels. But I now look for a new VU+ receiver, it must be equally fast or faster and has to be a twin tuner. Can anyone give recommendations?
Hi, I have a VU+ Solo 2 that I think is fast enough when switching between channels. But I now look for a new VU+ receiver, it must be equally fast or faster and has to be a twin tuner. Can anyone give recommendations?

I like this one

VU+ Uno 4K SE 1x DVB-S2X FBC Twin Tuner Linux Satellite Receiver (UHD, 2160p)
The Solo 2 I got now is pretty fast, most of the channels I watch is encrypted and not FTA so they take a little time to descramble compared to a FTA channel that is display around 2 sec when changing channels. And when its a scrambled channel around 3 sec. If its the same in the newer receivers then I will probably look for a used Solo2 instead since I dont have a 4K TV anyway.
Perhaps the FBC factor that the current tuners have means that they are a little slower than the traditional ones... but it is just an assumption. But the "highest time" is largely offset by the FBC function.