Internal SSD or Mechanical and Size


Vu+ Newbie
Hi all,

I have just bought my first box, a Solo2, and I was wondering if I would notice much of a difference in the performance between a SSD vs mechanical hard-drive in my box.

I would only be concerned in recording shows and playback.

I am aware of the advantages from a desktop/laptop point of view as I have 500MB read-write SSD in my laptop and desktop machines.

I have the Blackhole OS/software running and I can't imagine I would be recording a whole lot on the drive.
Would 500GB be sufficient for a season or two worth of recordings?
What is the quality / size(MB) per minute of recording on the box?

Thanks in advance.


I do not believe that the SSD in terms of speed, is a big advantage over the conventional HDD.
It is not a computer OS and there's not thousands of files.
I've moved my HDD from a computer to DUO2 850GB
and replaced with SSD in my PC .
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Thanks Matrix10.

Would you know what the average episode size is for a recording?

It depends from the quality of video and frame rate, compression, etc.
I can tell you that 1h of 1920x1080 recorded from sat or cable it needs about 4Gb / 5Gb / hour recorded ts video format.

best regards