start from the beginning (basics for you rocket since for me)


Vu+ Newbie
hello to all,
I have just got the box with VU solo SE.
It looks fantastic, but...
My supplier load something, but I have no info what (I mean image).
How can I check that?
The next thing is that the channel list is loaded, but it doesnt work.
The signal is zero.
I have diseq 2x1 and previous tuner were working properly.
This one no.
I need just ASTRA and HB.
Where can I find channel list for diseq 2x1?
Should be set somewhere in soft that I use diseq?
Sorry for that silly questions but you are the last chance for me.
Thans for help in advance
You need to set your Tuner up, go into the menu, look for Setup, Searching, Tuner Configuration.
Once you have selected your Tuner set it to Simple, Diseqc A/B, and set A either for Hotbird 13E, or the Astra satellite, which could be Astra 2, 28.2E, or Astra 1, 19.2E.