Request Stream Channels to PS3?


Vu+ Newbie
Hello i were surfing the web, and suddenly i saw this guy on youtube, streaming channels to hes ps3. is anyone familiar with this clip ?

Would this be possible, or is it just some guy posting fake stuff ?
I think it is just channel records from HDD. There is "no links here for D/L files" for various OSs
you need to active "BH tuner server" this funcion create 1 file for every channel in your channel list (wait BH need time to make all this files)
Starting BH tuner server does not help to solve the problem! The only media files I can see are *.mvi in Video/All Video :(
As a positive result, BH tuner generated *.m3u of my fav channels. I have downloaded them to my PC and can use in VLC mediaplayer. There is no need to open Web interface or Open webif now. Excellent :)
and these m3u are also very usefull in your Ithing and such devices,
perhaps you should change portnumber and host to, so it also works on your 3G cellnetworks,
not only wifi.
If you open the same files with ps3 work well ;)
After my experiments with streaming to PS3 I must say that
1) Mediatomb does not enable to see all disks and folders in Solo2 ( only MbootM)
2) When I copied some of *.m3u files to MbootM they are not seen by PS3
3) miniDLNA enables to see all the disks and I can play recorded *.ts files, but PS3 does not consider m3u files as media-files and it is impossible to stream DVB channels to PS3.
4) BH tuner server made not all of my favorite channels, but around 256